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We network opportunities with individuals who want to make a difference by serving others with simple acts of kindness. Bringing "Hope" where hope is only a word. 


Our Mission

What Color is Hope was formed in the hearts of Les and Kathy Sloan while on a trip to the Dominican Republic. They found a single mother with two twin boys suffering from Muscular Dystrophy bound in wheelchairs. The 15-year-old twins Luis and Oscar lived in a pallet home that flooded every time the rains came. 

Les and Kathy filled with compassion came back home and shared the idea of building this family a home with their friends and the community of Mackenzie. The community rallied together, and a team of over 20 people from numerous cities in Canada and the USA came together to complete this project.

Approximately 6 months later the twins, Oscar and Luis passed away. In the loving memory of these boys, we have expanded our reach to bring lasting hope and change to those who need it most.


We Provide Clean Drinking Water: Our Water Filtration Kits will produce 150 gallons per day per household of clean drinking water while removing bacteria, protozoa, and micro-organisms from contaminated water sources without the need of electricity or batteries.

We Provide Food For Those In Need of Palliative Care: We have partnered with a local mission run by Karen who has been serving families in need of palliative care for over 20 years. Basic nutrition and medical supplies are needed to aid in the comfort of those facing end-of-life needs.

We Provide Educational Sponsorship Programs: Education is a need in any society. 80% of the economy in the Dominican Republic is dependent on tourism...  learning English and acquiring job skills in that will empower individuals to create jobs and find employment. We are looking for sponsorships to help our students through the vocational training process. 

We Provide Medical Clinics: We work alongside the local pastors and health professionals and run free medical clinics serving the poor at the most basic levels. 

We Provide Minor Construction Repairs: We have completed many projects over the years with repairs to a local orphanage, shelter for the elderly, and roof replacement for local churches. There are hundreds of small projects that need minor construction repairs. Those in need are more than willing to help but unable to afford the material costs. We work together with the local Dominicans on these projects.

We Build Homes For The Elderly, Widowed, and Single Moms: The average home build is about $7500 USD including labor. We start with a local team in the Dominican Republic who do the teardown of an existing structure and lay the foundation. We bring teams to work alongside the local team to finish the project.

We are committed to finding ways to help others learn simple skills that will have a significant economic impact in empowering individuals to provide for themselves and their families with the basic needs of life which are food, clothing, and shelter. 

This is huge.... and we are grateful for the contacts and friendships we have made. This will give individuals a considerable advantage in being able to produce jobs and create employment opportunities."

Every year we come away from these trips so thankful for the partnerships created and the joy that comes from serving others.

What Color Is Hope is a registered 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation.

Our world hangs like a magnificent jewel in the vastness of space. Every one of us is a facet of that jewel. And in the perspective of eternity, our differences are infinitesimal.
— Fred Rogers, Dartmouth College Commencement Ceremony

What We "Hope To Achieve" 

  • Give individuals and families a chance to experience a different culture.

  • Provide a safe international all inclusive travel experience.

  • Vacation with a purpose combining humanitarian aide and holidays together.

  • Create memories that will last a life time.

  • Provide fresh clean drinking water for every household.

  • Build Homes For Elderly, Widows, Single Moms.

  • Provide Job Placement Opportunities.

  • Feed Those Needed Palliative Care

  • Provide Minor Construction Repairs.

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