We As A Human Race Are Extremely Fragile and Resilient! - 2020 DR Team Update

You are probably fully aware by now that due to the Covid 19 crisis our team trip to the Dominican Republic has been postponed this month and will resume sometime into the future. The current health event has put the whole world on travel restrictions. We chose to honor those travel restrictions even though initially it was a request but now has become enforced in many countries.

What I find interesting is many of the Caribbean Islands have very little or no Covid 19 cases and we pray it stays that way while other countries struggle with a pandemic. Even in the best of plans, we are not always in control as much as we think we are.

No one saw this coming and throughout history, there have been infectious diseases that have crippled society until a cure of some kind has been discovered. The best medical and scientific minds in the world are working together to find a vaccine for Covid 19 right now.

How long it will take is yet to be seen but it will happen. I have no doubt!

One thing this does cause us all to realize is that we as a human race are extremely fragile and at the same time resilient to face life’s challenges head-on. God has given the human race a tremendous will within to not only survive but to conquer adversity of all kinds.

Adversity hits everyone at some time in their life. No one is exempt!

It’s in times of adversity some will shake their fist at our Creator and say, “Where are you?” Why are you allowing this to happen? Others will deny there is a Creator and try and rationalize the events they face, while others will humbly reach out and look to God as their Heavenly Father as a refuge for peace, hope, and strength.

As the founders of What Color is Hope we believe in Jesus Christ as the one sent from heaven above. He is God in the Flesh, Heaven’s representation of love, sacrifice, redemption, and forgiveness. The reason we do what we do is to bring God’s hope and love to those who need a hand up in life.

If we can lift one person out of the despair of adversity and help them experience God’s love in a practical tangible way then we have fulfilled our mission. Our goal has always been to demonstrate that our Heavenly Father loves them, has seen their suffering and heard their prayers.

Our goal is to help share the burden of one person at a time.

I want to thank all of you who have donated to our mission and purpose. We consider you as partners and family and want you to know that we take your kindness and generosity very seriously.

Concerning the monies donated for the 2020 Dominican Trip, we want you to know what is happening as of right now.

On March 1st we had a team on the ground who live in the Dominican Republic and they started the foundation work concerning the building of a home for a widow with two children who lost their husband and father to a fishing accident within the last year.

Our team in the D.R. tore down the old structure and built up the foundation to the bottom of the windows. This is normally how all our home build projects operate. Currently, our widow whose name is Alexandria is living with relatives while we are working on her home.

Since we are unable to help finish the project with our team, we have sent the remaining funds needed to complete the home to our operations supervisor who will manage the project to completion. If you visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/WhatColorIsHope.org/ you will see pictures of the progress we have made so far. I will be updating those pictures after this blog post is complete.

We have also sent funds to provide doors and windows for a local pastor who is in need as well. Can you imagine your home without doors and windows? I can’t.

There are needs all around us every day. As we find ourselves in prayer for our own families, friends, and neighbors in our own communities during this Covid 19 crisis please be considerate of those who are unable to help themselves. Be ready to help and serve others. Be prepared, be vigilant, be caring, kind, and loving.

The human condition is fragile but God our Father has made us resilient!

God Bless each and every one of you.

John Fuller, co-founder of What Color Is Hope.

Would You Be Interested in Helping Us Build a Home?

It’s official, 2020 is here and most people are pondering on what goals they want to achieve this coming year. Amazingly enough fitness and health goals continue to be the number one focus nationwide. I wonder if it has anything to do with holidays, apple pie, special desserts and treats were abounding in my home.

In October 2019, Les and I made our way to the Dominican Republic to look over what projects we will be focused on for our team in April. We have decided to build a home for a widow of two children who has lost their father to a fishing accident only a few short months ago.

Alexandria is a shy mother of two teenagers who live in a very small two-room wooden structure compromised by termites. She makes her living cleaning and makes about $10 a day. She was still in the grieving process when we met her last October. After we were able to verify the deed on the land was secure and the home we build will not be taken from her we set out to price out the material costs.

The good news is we have made the commitment to build Alexandria a home.

Our focus in the Dominican has been to help widows, the elderly, and those who need shelter, medical care, clean water, and education. The goal is to work alongside the Dominicans and Haitians and provide a hand up.

I have a simple request.

Would you be willing to help us with two projects?

1) Build Alexandria a home.

2) Finish the repairs on a church we started working on last year. The need here is tile flooring and a new paint job.

We have raised half the money we need so far but still in need of another $7,000 dollars.

You can make a secure donation on our website by clicking on the donation tab. We appreciate you help and thank you for your generous support to complete these two projects which will be completed in the first week of April 2020.